Mediation of conflicts in the workplace is a procedure that is gaining credit, being integrated into the policies for the prevention and handling of interpersonal conflicts by senior management and by personnel management departments that have realized its usefulness because they have a positive impact in the mental health of workers by improving the work environment, ensuring quality, increasing productivity, and improving customer service.
COVID pandemic undermined workers’ mental health due to an increase in the working day hours, especially in remote environments, according to the National Survey of Occupation and Employment, in January 2021, 68% of economically active Mexican workers worked 48 or more hours per week, which exceeds the average stipulated in the Federal Labor Law. That is, we spend more time at work than in personal activities.
This has not showed an increase in productivity, but has rather affected employees physically and psychologically, causing all kinds of interpersonal conflicts in the workplace.
This is not new, in 2018 the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare implemented NOM 035 for organizations to identify, analyze and prevent psychosocial risk factors that workers are exposed to in their workplaces, in addition to contemplating actions for the management of labor conflicts derived from labor relations that arise from poor relations and mistrust between colleagues, especially when they perceive unequal conditions and when there is no clarity in their functions; consequence of a deficient leadership style that does not assume the responsibility of coordinating and developing the talent of middle managers and that does not align the objectives of the organization with the aspirations of its collaborators.
Novel Martí (2010) suggests that to solve this type of conflict it is necessary to implement a culture of peace and mediation in organizations, developing strategies that improve communication for planning, execution, and monitoring results. In addition, he recommends the participation of an external mediator who intervenes with advice, educating and training in mediation and coaching skills, especially for senior management and middle management.
The advantages that mediation brings for the solution of organizational conflicts is that
- they are less costly processes regarding time, resources and emotional burnout,
- they allow reaching agreements in a participatory and consensual manner,
- which gives a margin of co-responsibility and undoubted sustainability,
- moreover, they produce a learning experience to help solve future conflicts.
Mediation for organizational conflicts is an ideal procedure to address and prevent psychosocial risks and to guarantee working conditions that allow generating harmony, social well-being, and mental health.
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